Since 2016 “Smart Electronics LLP” (Kazakhstan) is active participant of applied software & hardware development market. In transportation and related areas “Smart Electronics LLP” is engaged into the implementation of national digital tachograph system through IT infrastructure and platforms provisioning & integration as well as management of data flows towards e-governmental services following strictest security rules. “Smart Electronics LLP” infrastructure passed respective dedicated load and network testing as well as source code & dedicated information security verification along with full compliance routine to highest operating standards and regulations equivalent to ISО/IEC 17799. “Smart Electronics LLP” has relevant certificates for ISO-9001, ISO-27001 to maintain secure data management, exchange & operation. “Smart Electronics LLP” possess approved specification and issue all 4 types of digital tachograph cards as per AETR requirements (under brand “KAZTACHOCARD”).
Besides that, recognizing that Kazakhstan is a party to the Convention on the Contract for International Road Transport, “Smart Electronics LLP” is looking for implementation of Electronic bill of lading system (e-CMR) in the future. “Smart Electronics LLP” develops integrated components of complete infrastructure to progress and test e-CMR based on the UN/CEFACT standard (a subsidiary body of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)) and e-Delivery ( EU data & documents standardized protocol) building block.
“Smart Electronics LLP” is actor on other various projects including but not limited to e-commerce domain in association with fulfilment (xPL integration) and digitalization of transportation & logistic industry.