TESTEK was founded in 2004 following a change in the Slovak national legal framework. A new law toughened the criteria of independence that the central organization in the national system of technical vehicle inspections has to fulfil. As a consequence experts in technical vehicle left one of the vehicle inspection operator company and founded TESTEK, who won in 2005 the call for tender issued by the Ministry of Transport. TESTEK started its activities as the "technical service for technical vehicle inspections" in December 2005. TESTEK is accredited as a Type A Inspection Body according to the ISO/IEC 17020:2012 standard. TESTEK is member of the International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee (CITA).
Activities of TESTEK can be separated into 3 areas:
• expert activities in the field of vehicle inspections and roadside inspections (research and development of new inspection methods, assessment of inspecting centers and inspecting equipment, education and training of inspectors),
• vehicle inspection data processing (information system),
• supplying of inspecting forms, stickers and stamps to vehicle inspection operators.