Technical Working Groups

CORTE brings together its members in technical working groups offering them a platform to cooperate, develop knowledge and exchange best practices. Working groups meet regularly to discuss specific technical issues, with CORTE secretariat (led by CORTE CEO) organising logistics, guiding discussions to develop substantive documents summarizing the discussions.

Currently, there are 10 CORTE WORKING GROUPS producing harmonised solutions promoted at international level:

1. Enforcement WG: driving and resting times for commercial transport and tachograph use

2. Posting of Drivers WG: enforcement of posting rules, harmonization and challenges 

3. Digital Tachograph Replacement WG: enforcing the correct version of tachograph

4. Calculation Rules WG: methodology for calculating driving and resting times

5. Card WG: digital tachograph cards and driving license issuing

6. Card Merger WG: merging the driving license with the digital tachograph card (research)

7. Innovation WG: smart enforcement practices and new technologies

8. Access to Market WG: cabotage, combined transport and posting of workers

9. CORTE-CITA Road Worthiness WG: road worthiness of vehicles

10. Road Cargo Theft WG: quality incident reporting


Technical Working Groups
Regulatory Evolution & Enforcement
Legislative & Policy Analysis
Liaison with EU and UN
Collaboration between Public & Private Entities
EU research and support projects