The tachograph is a device that records the driving time, breaks, rest periods as well as periods of other work undertaken by a driver, in order to prevent fatigue and guarantee fair competition and road safety. Since 15 June 2019, trucks and buses registered in the EU for the first time must have a smart digital tachograph installed, with the aim to improve the enforcement of the EU rules on driving and resting times, in line with the efforts by the Commission with the "Europe on the Move" packages for a socially fair transition towards clean energy and digitalisation. The smart digital tachograph features technologically advanced functionalities and allows for the positioning of the vehicle via satellite and the transmission of information to control authorities via short-range communication technology. There are, however, some pending issues related to the smart tachograph.
CORTE has been working on the issues related to tachograph within the framework of its working groups on Enforcement, Calculation Rules and Cards bringing together enforcement authorities and the road transport industry. In addition, together with the European Commission (DG MOVE & DG JRC), the IRU, tachograph & card manufacturers, and CORTE Board Members, CORTE works on the implementation of the smart tachograph into the AETR through its involvement in the Group of Experts on AETR and the organisation of a series of workshop to introduce the new technical features to non-EU/AETR contracting parties.
CORTE is a member of a consortium implementing an EU-financed project that supports the process of improving road safety and the introduction of the digital tachograph in Morocco. CORTE is assisting in the development of a road traffic control strategy for professional transport in Morocco and the process of convergence towards AETR and the EU, through institutional capacity building and strengthening the role of inspection. The project will support the introduction of the digital tachograph through the elaboration of draft legal texts concerning the respect of driving and rest time of professional drivers, development of requirements for the approval of workshops for digital tachographs, and assistance in the management of tachograph cards issuing.
The version 2 of the smart tachograph presents a standardized interface with intelligent transport systems (ITS) allowing the data recorded or produced by a tachograph to be used in operational mode, by an external device. To harmonize certain technical specifications related to the use of Bluetooth in this context, a working group managed by CORTE (the Smart Tachograph ITS Interface Working Group) was created. The following document presents the outcomes of their work. The specifications described in the following must be read in light of Regulation (EU) 2021/1228 and consider only the interface between the tachograph and the external unit.
Smart tachograph version 2 VU, Remote HMI specification & Transport protocol for ITS