Contribution to research is one of the core activities undertaken by CORTE. CORTE is regularly involved in a number of EU research projects implemented by consortia including universities, research institutes, industry and other technical partners.
Below is a list of the current and past projects to which CORTE contributed with its expertise:
- CCAM-ERAS (Employment Realization through the Acquisition of Skills)
- KEYSTONE (Knowledgable comprEhensive and fullY integrated SmarT sOlutioNs for rEsilient, sustainable and optimized transport operations)
- SOTERIA (Systematic and orchestrated deployment of safety solutions in complex urban environments for ageing and vulnerable societies)
- Morocco : Road safety, enforcement of commercial transport and introduction of the digital tachograph
- UVAR Exchange (Urban Vehicle Access Regulations)
- HERON (Critical Infrastructure)
- PRECINCT (Critical Infrastructure)
- LeMO (Big Data)
- PANOPTIS (Critical Infrastructure)
- GECKO (New Mobility)
- CYSPA (cybersecurity)
- STAR TRANS (Critical Infrastructure)
- TRACE (driving times)
- SAFE-POST (supply chain security)
- CLOSER (social regulation)
- KNOW-IN (road transport managers)
- LABEL (secure parkings)
- SMART DIGITAC, IDT & MIDT (Digital tachograph)
- GIROADS (GNSS in road sector)
- TACOT (GNSS in transport)
- VERONICA I & II (Road safety)